HTML Template Model for use with any editor program

This HTML Template Model is for use with any web editor program.  Your custom development of the Side Navigation Links is all done on your index.html page.  Once you're finished with the Side Navigation of your index.html, simply Save As to create the other web pages in your site.  This model requires the most maintenance, because if the Side Navigation link gets changed the web manager must edit every webpage. 

Customize the Navigation

You have the option of changing the logo in the Side Navigation to your unit logo or graphic.  Follow the directions in the html code for guidelines on placement and sizing as the logo should not exceed 150pixels X 150pixels.

The webpage links and name as well as the external links on the Side Navigation are simply provided as a reference guideline.  You are able to customize the Navigation links for your unit.  The most important thing to remember is not to duplicate any of the external links provided in the header and footer.  This is where planning and organizing play a key role in the final design. 

The Header and Footer are not visible when you are designing each webpage.  For this reason, you will want to preview in a browser to view your webpage and get the whole picture.  In EW after saving the webpage you can hit the F12 key for a preview in your default browser.  Preview the Template here for a reference tool.

Publish often, don't wait until your website is almost finished to publish.  Whether you have a development URL to publish your site or just publish to a file location on your computer you'll want to publish often.  Here is a PDF for publishing your files with FrontPage 2003 or Expression Web. 

The HTML Template Model is probably the most familiar website template, but is not as developer friendly as the other Template Models provided here.

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