Page Titles and Unit Header Formats


The <title> tag at the top of each page is an Editable Region on each page and is sometimes forgotten.  This <title> tag should reference that specific page in the website.  Here are the guidelines for the <title> tag...

District, Division and Flotilla HTML Page Title Examples:

Replace "Home" on the other pages in the website with a word referencing the contents of the webpage such as Boating Safety, Vessel Safety Checks or Members, etc.

NOTE:                                     The UNIT that the website represents ALWAYS has prominence after “US Coast Guard Auxiliary.” Regarding the title numerical, after Flotilla number the division number would always precede the district.. Or Division number than district number.

Unit Heading Examples for  ~ District ~ Division ~ Flotilla

NOTE:     Since US Coast Guard Auxiliary is already provided in the Top Auxiliary Header, there is no need to make a duplicate entry in the Unit Heading...

District 11 Northern Region

Serving Northern California, Nevada and Utah


Division 5 District 7 Unit Header


Flotilla 17-6 Unit Header

Flotilla Identification Information:

There are no single digit flotillas in the U.S.  Per AUXMAN, a flotilla number consists of both the division and flotilla numerical. The two are never separated except for AUXDATA and computer entry. There are no zeros in a flotilla number unless the numerical has a 10, 20, 30, etc. in it.

Flotilla Unit Numbers always include Division Number then a dash (-) Flotilla number
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